Line Style tab of the Object Format dialog box

Line Ends

This tab lets you select from several line-ending symbols to use with a selected open object. You also can change the size and position of the symbol at the end of the line.

Line ends

The two images at the top show a preview of your line end settings. The left box shows the beginning of the line, and the right shows the end. Select line ends from the drop-down list.

If you are setting the two line ends with different symbols or attributes, click the end that you want to change, and then make the change.


Lets you paste any object from the Clipboard as a line end to be added to the list.


The Remove button lets you remove selected line ends from the dialog box. You can only remove line end styles that you have added.

Same Type

Lets you choose to set both ends as the same symbol.

Same Attributes

Lets you choose to set both ends with the same attributes (such as angle and offset).


Adjusts the thickness of a line end to a percentage of its original thickness. Setting this value to 50% makes the line end thickness half the original size; changing the value to 200% makes the line end thickness twice the original size.


Adjusts the height of a line end to a percentage of its original height. Setting this value to 50% makes the line end height half the original size; changing the value to 200% makes the line end height twice the original size.

To resize the line end proportionally, set Width % and Height % the same value.

X Offset

Repositions the line end symbol along the line in either direction. Enter a positive value to move away from the center of the line. Enter a negative value to move toward the center of the line.

Y Offset

Repositions the line end symbol above or below the line. Enter a positive value to move above the line. Enter a negative value to move below the line.


Lets you rotate the line end symbol by a specific angle.

Flip U-D

Lets you flip the line end symbol vertically.

Flip L-R

Lets you flip the line end symbol horizontally.

Use Line Fill

Sets the line end to the same as the line fill. If this option is selected, the preview displays the line ends with the same attributes as the line. If this option is deselected, the preview displays the line ends with the original attributes of the line end.


Sets a rotation angle for the line end.

Line Style

This panel lets you select from a list of dotted, dashed, and other line styles.


Displays standard dashed line styles.


Displays additional line styles. Click the style you want to use.

Overall Width

Lets you enter the width. This changes the line thickness and the width of the segments in enhanced line styles.


Lets you changes the type measurement unit type for enhanced line styles.

Line Thickness

This panel displays the width and height of the line, using the current units setting.

If you select a thick line style, the dialog box shows a preview of the line's current cap style to illustrate the effect of the different cap options.

If you click Calligraphic, the dialog box shows a preview of how the calligraphic pen will look with the angle setting. You can drag the red line in the preview to change the angle.


Makes the line invisible.


Makes the line thickness of selected lines a hairline, the narrowest line supported by the display screen or the printing device.


Lets you specify a thickness for lines.

Also lets you specify the type of line cap and line join, and lets you select calligraphic lines.


Lets you set the thickness of lines using the setting in the Units button. Use the scroll arrows to set the line thickness you want.


Opens a menu to let you change the measuring units used for line thickness.


Controls how the ends of lines appear. Repeatedly click this button to cycle through the three options: round, square, and flat.

Round Cap (the default) caps each line end with a semicircle whose center point is at the line's end point. (The diameter of the semicircle matches the thickness of the line.)

Square Cap caps each line end with a square whose center point is at the line's end point. (The width of the square matches the thickness of the line.)

Flat Cap ends the line with a flat cap that is perpendicular to the line.

To achieve a dotted (rather than dashed) line style, experiment with a round cap and a line style of short dashes.


Lets you set how the corner intersection of lines appears in an object. Repeatedly click this button to cycle through the three options: round, mitre, and bevel.

Round Join (the default) places the center point of a circle at the vertex of two line ends. (The diameter of the circle matches the thickness of the lines.)

Bevel Join averages the angles of the two lines, creating a blunt intersection.

Mitre Join creates a pointed intersection that is the true intersection of two lines. Lines that meet at angles sharper than 11 degrees are drawn with beveled joins. This prevents objects from having extremely pointed joins.


Lets you create lines of varying thickness. You can set the angle and size of the calligraphic "brush." When you select this option, the dialog box shows a preview of the calligraphic pen according to the current settings. You can enter a new angle or drag the red line in the preview to change the angle.


Lets you set the height of calligraphic lines using the setting in the Units button. Use the scroll arrows to set the line height you want.

Pen Angle

Lets you enhance the effects created with the Width and Height settings. In a calligraphic line, the Pen Angle setting forces the pen tip to stay at the chosen angle, much as a calligraphic pen is held at particular angles to achieve lines of varying thickness.

Fill Before/After

This option lets you choose whether an object is filled before or after its lines are drawn.

Fill an object before its lines are drawn.

Fill an object after its lines are drawn.

Transform Fill with Object

This option lets you choose whether transforming (resizing, rotating, skewing, or flipping) an object also transforms its fill. For example, with fill transform turned on, resizing an object with an image fill resizes the image fill; with fill transform turned off, resizing the object does not resize the image fill.

Sets the fill to not transform when you transform the object.

Sets the fill to transform when you transform the object.

Overprint Stroke

This option lets you turn overprinting on or off for an object's lines.

Turns line overprinting off.

Turns line overprinting on.

Preview Button

The Preview button lets you see the effect of any changes on a selected object. (This button has no effect if no object is selected.) You may have to move the dialog box to see the selection.

Apply and Close Buttons

The Object Format box stays open to let you apply changes to objects without having to open the dialog box repeatedly. Click Apply each time you want to apply a change to a selected object. The dialog box does not close until you click Close.

Rolling up the Dialog Box

By rolling up the Object Format dialog box, you can keep it accessible, but out of your way. Click on the title bar to roll up the dialog box. Click to unroll it.

Related Topics   

Using Line Attributes

Using Fill Options